Thursday, May 31, 2007

Tweede Pinksterdag

Fred and I took a walk on Monday, which happened to be Tweede Pinksterdag, or Second Pentecost Day. One really great thing about the Dutch is that they have these holidays (Christmas, Easter, Pentecost, etc.) and then they have the day after as the Second Day. So you get a little more bang for your buck.

The only downside was that it was the last holiday (read: free day off work) for a little while.

It was a gray day, as you can see by the pictures, but this is my favorite kind of day, an amazingly lucky secondary gain in moving here. This canal is right by our apartment. I really love canals. They look good a lot of different lights and they remind me daily of the exotic locale in which I live.
This is the Rijks Museum, which I referred to in a journal on my first visit as "one more big museum." Fred constantly reminds me of that as it is actually one of the most important art museums in the whole world. Right now it's just construction sight. There to the left, in case your a virtual tourist, is the Van Gogh Museum. There is always a line outside that one. It's nice. I've been there a few times.

This last one is just a beautiful tree lined street near the street where Fred works. I like all the tall trees here. Seems like I didn't have a lot of those in New York City. Maybe Brooklyn, but not Manhattan. Probably not even Brooklyn. See that sign? The red circle with the car in the middle? That's the Dutch way of saying "No something." It's completely confusing to tourists, most of whom think that it means "Yes something."

Completely non-intuitive.

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