Written earlier: What a test! There was so much stuff that I was not completely certain of. The reading was wild. I was looking at the problems and making out every third word or all the words except the most important one. The vocabulary was great. I got everyone I'm sure. And the writing was somewhat difficult We'll see. It's over. I'm glad of that. If I had another week, I would have done much better, but I did fine. Bertan is having a little gathering at his apartment tonight. Should be fun to see people outside of class. I hope the right people show up.
Written later: The test yesterday was truly a test of my knowledge. It was unbelievable. Reading, vocabulary and then writing. I probably did well enough. I just don't want to think about it any more. People were nervous and chattering away. I knew the vocabulary very well. I wasn't worried about that part.
Everyone was invited to a party at Bertan's apartment at 6:00. I showed up a little late and was met with Bea and Jul. I guess being the only two French people, they bonded. I actually spoke with Bea for a little while. She wasn't as much of a crimudgin as I thought she was. She is definitely Parisian, but she's not unapproachable. Jul remains a mystery. Is he gay? Who knows. Who cares? He's a sweet guy, but doesn't really have much to say. Of course we spoke English the whole time.
Liz showed up with Thomas, which was nice. Always good to see the partners of people. Thomas is very Dutch looking, blonde, tall, skinny. Better personality than good looking. There were others as well. Kai, the German showed up with his...Bertan and I are pretty convinced that it was his boyfriend. They're very chummy and are both just not that straight looking. They look like the kind of guys that would be closeted. Rod showed up and after staying for a half hour announced that eleven people could go on his boat at 10:30. The French folks bowed out. Bea said she hadn't seen her boyfriend for three weeks and needed some time with him and Jul...no Jul ended up going. Etus the Hungarian woman went.
The canal ride was very nice. It was a little long, but it was a view of Amsterdam at night that I don't ever get - obviously, since I'm rarely on a boat at night. The problem was that it was a cool, damp night and being on the water made it that much cooler. It was very generous of Rod to take us. I enjoyed it. He even "let" us drive the boat. Interesting how things like that work. It's all that ruddder stuff - turn left to go right, etc. Got home really ready to sleep. Bertan seems like a fun new friend.
3 months ago
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