While I was SO not in the mood to go to this tonight, I am really glad I did. We had a lot of fun. Out of my group of eight - including me - six of us showed up. That's a very nice percentage.
Turns out that the cafe was quite a good venue for this sort of event. We started in a corner - my choice - and then, after a coup, we moved to a better location. The waitstaff is by and large young and cute, in that indescribably Dutch way. The group members seem keen on doing it again. Funny how there's a need for this that people really appreciate.
And now the roll call:
Jennifer - An English lawyer who's lived here less than six months. She's working, early 30's I would say. Drinks beer. Smokes.
Laybelin - From the Dominican Republic, not working, here seven months, already involved in inburgering(!), not married, quiet, glasses, lives right outside Amsterdam, early 20's. Drinks o.j.
Caroline - A self-professed computer geek, from Plymouth our someplace really southern in England, laughs a lot, very sweet and talkative, late 20's probably, here 5 or so months, not married. Drinks o.j., left early for weekend in London. Smokes.
Carolina - From Chili, very sweet and talkative, first one to arrive, so she has a special place in my heart, here ONE month, been married to the guy for three years, mid 20's. Drinks beer. Smokes.
Sonia - From France, was with Caroline for the first hour at the bar before they decided to ask where Andy was. They'd just met at the bar mentioning my name. After a half a glass of red wine, she got a phone call and had to leave. But this was not without telling everyone about the wonders of the Dutch Conversation place she's been to. She gave me her e-mail address so I could get the number from her. Early to mid-30's - she's probably hit me on the head for saying that. Seems very nice and very talkative, good English. Smokes.
I'm reading a children's book It's scary and one kid says, "Shit." So it's not like a baby book. I'm reading on like a 12-14 year old level! It's very nice. I thought Fred's old Kinderbijble - or Children's Bible was going to be my first book, but I think LYC-DROP will be my first. It's really scary to read at night. Can't wait to go to bed.
2 months ago
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