The green one, by the way, that I was going to felt, and thus shrink, turns out to be machine washable wool, meaning that it's just clean now, not smaller. Color me a little disappointed. I'll just put it in the box headed for Mongolia. Someone will wear it.
After a trip to the yarn store yesterday (where I asked for a size of needle that they didn't have and they offered me the phone to call...presumably my girlfriend or wife - no, it's for me) I have now cast on for the Elizabeth Zimmerman sweater in the round with no seams. It's for Fred, but he is not really excited because I've had two false starts on this sweater so far.
Boy Who Cried Wolf anyone?
I'm really excited about it. It looks fascinating. Everything is based on your guage and this one number. I'm still doing the ribbing at the bottom.
Fred and I went out last night to see Pan's Labyrith and then to swing through five or six gay bars for a writing assignment I have to do. The movie was good, although Spanish with Dutch subtitles about wore me out. It was beautifully done and I would recommend it. The bars were really amazing. We never go out. (I would rather cook and then watch a movie and knit.)
Fascinating the variety of bars. I thought the first looked like a brothel with its dark wood, cut glass lighting fixtures and red, embossed wall paper. Fred informed me that it was designed to look like an English pub. Sorry! Think Best Little Whorehouse in Texas. Then there's one that's totally sleak and modern. And we visited one that is no longer popular except with a rather wornout crowd. Surprising number of women at these bars. Sort of nice to see, sort of not. Why not? It's a long, drawn-out political question. Just ask.
The end result is that my voice was a little slimy this morning when the choir started rehearsal. Oh well. I got over it. Next week we have no choir and Fred and I have to venture out to some bars and clubs that are in a different location and that get going a little later. I'm not really looking forward. We'll have to nap in the afternoon.
Fred doesn't mind it, but I would rather stay in. I like being older. I'll have to look at it like it's a little peak into another world.
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