Drop comes in either zout (salt) or zoet (sweet). They also come in either zacht (soft) or hard (...hard). Additionally, it comes in flavors like mint and honey and is sometimes combined with a sort of gumdrop. Then there's the englese drop (English drop) favored by sissies like my sister. This is by no means an exhaustive list. If you check the Dutch wikipedia site, you can see a very long list of types of drop. A trip to any candy store will get you an eye full of the amazing assortment of drop in different shapes and combinations of salt, sweet, soft and hard. A quick click to Dropworld.nl will give you some idea. My favorite are the cats shown above. Katjesdrop. Sometimes called Limburgse Katjes, I believe. (And these are sugar-free.)
On Wikipedia.nl, they tell how drop was once thought to be healthy - used for high blood pressure and stomach problems. I heard that it was good for indigestion. I bought a very expensive stretch of licorice in NYC years ago. Today, however, those claims are thought to be a bit exaggerated. Oh well. The site also says that in one of his films, Charlie Chaplin ate a shoe made of drop.
Don't be fooled by the American version of licorice. It's made of sugar, a "binder," and a bit of licorice extract. Red licorice is just...well, it's like being told your having steak and having a Big Mac thrown in front of you. Some resemblance, and yet no resemblance at all.
On the knitting front, I just finished this Ribbed Hat. It's a Vogue knitting pattern designed to be knit flat (huh?) but easily knit in the round. The only confusing part (if you were to decide to do it sans pattern) is the decrease, which is actually very logical. It happens suddenly and then it's done.
the drops sound like Mexican chili candies. Which have chili powder AND salt. Course they are HARD, I've made the mistake of trying to be polite & crunching the thing to swallow it & just get it over, but man, I don't even think that Anthony Bordaine could swallow that. It burned & was sour & salty & IT BURNED. D:
The cousin it hat picture made me chuckle :) Gotta love noro :)
I actually quite like the salty drops.
Dropduimen look fun!
Great FOs!
Funny my sister loves Good n Plenty also Licorice, well she eats them all the time, and she would go to the doctor and they couldn't figure out why her blood pressure was so high, turns out the licorice was causing it to happen!!!
Great D picture I think it will be a stand alone one, thats for sure
I think the hat is cute!!!
I find drop not to my taste at all but I love that hat. Never used Noro but that colourway is right up my street.
I had one recently for the first time - salty. I've never been a fan of anise flavor, really, though I can handle it in small doses now. With salt, though, I was able to manage one, then I thought I would vomit with the second one and had to spit it out.
Drop rules! Especially the extra salty variety. Haha. You made me crave some.
I have no idea what American licorice is like, but I'm curious.
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