Birthdays and New Years make me reflective. They make me take stock of what I have and where I am. They make me think about what I want and what I used to want. It's fortunate that they happen six months apart.
All in all, I have a really great life. Things are going very well. I managed to chalk up a good amount of formal education, which is nice to have. I lived in New York City (in a rent controlled apartment) for fourteen wonderful years. I now live in a beautiful city in Europe. I have a partner who is a really incredible person. My sister and I are really close, which is amazing in our fractured, strange family. I've got Patty. Everyone should have a Patty in their life. I also have great friends. I'm sure a lot of people have friends who they think are amazing and wonderful, but I feel particularly blessed by the ones I have. They're so right for me. We fit together really well.
I've met a lot of people in my life. It's always interesting to me who stays and who falls away. No judgment about the ones that fall away. Iyanla Vanzant was on Oprah years ago and she talked about how everyone is on their own road. And our roads converge with someone else's for a while and we learn something from each other and then the roads move away from each other, so it's okay. I think she talked about it specifically in regards to relationships, but I think it's true for friendships as well.
I feel really lucky to do all the things I do. I'm in a choir that I really enjoy. I write and I'm in a writers group that is really supportive. And I knit. And my knitting group is a lot of fun. Fred and I also travel to some really great places. Somehow I moved into this really interesting place. There are so many options for me as to what I want to do. I have one of those lives I used to hear about and I'd think, Wow, that would be cool. It is. I'm really grateful for all I have. Life is really great and I'm looking forward to a good year.
So I'd love to get 43 comments today. Even if you come upon this post later, please post a comment. Yes, I'm whoring for comments. It's just for today. It's my birthday.
Happy birthday!
Time does go by quickly. It blows my mind that it's been 20 years since I studied in Spain and now almost 5 years since my last trip to Europe. So much has happened, but I don't feel like I've aged that much (most of the time).
Hey Andy!
I don't really dare leave a comment since I haven't answered the nicest email I got in ages - the email I got from you - ah - let's see: more than a month ago?? het spijt me - you can't even guess how much. The only reason for this is that I always want to write "the" perfect answer - and then nothing happens. So you see I've been thinking a lot of you in May... ;-) So: gelukkige verjaardag - enjoy! I turned 35 on Monday, and I feel a strong connection with people who were born in June. They tend to be wordy, wist je dat? :-D BTW, have you seen brooklyntweed's blanket? Go and look! I will send you an email very soon - I you still want to read from such a careless person. Doris from Austria
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, Andy! Hope you have a good one!
..."they say its your birthday! Were gonna have a good time! I'm glad its your birthday...Happy Birthday to you!" There you go, my best Beatles impersonation! :) Enjoy!!
You know, I can relate to your comment about being reflective on birthdays and New Years. Is it a sign that we're finally maturing? For me, I hoping to avoid adulthood, but what the heck, eh?
Amsterdam is so beautiful! I haven't been there since...1985!! Anyway, I will have to visit Amsterdam vicariously through your blog, so I hope you've posted lots of pictures and stories about your stay. :)
Here's to many more birthdays, Andy!! Cheers!
Happy birthday Andy!
I always feel proud and happy to have my birthday (I've had a few more than you!) because I get so much love from everyone around me. I even used to like my birthday in England, where its not really the done thing to make a fuss, and be made a fuss of, but I really like the Dutch custom of making the most of birthdays
"because we;re worth it!"
What a beautiful post! I hope you have a great birthday.
Happy Birthday!
I'm 9 days older than you are *lol*
oh and don't forget to change your "about" You're no longer a 42-year old.. :P
A very Happy Birthday to you! You have 10 years on me Andy..and I've still got a whole lot of growing up to do, haha.
Have as great a 44th year..365 flies by
Happy Birthday! I am sure you will get lots more than 43! I loved Amsterdam when I was there in the 70's. You are lucky to have the experience of a long term experience in Europe. Have some Ristaffel for me- ( I used to be able to spell it!!)
happy birthday to ya!!!!
Many happy returns.
Happy Birthday, Andy from a random lurker who loves your blog!
Happy birthday! Hope you have had a wonderful day! :D
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday! I've been enjoying your blog; it brings back wonderful memories of Amsterdam.
Happy Birthday! I saw your post on the Ravelry blogging forum.
I highly recommend being 43! For me, it's been better every year - I really hope that's true for you (and your family of friends) as well.
Happy Birthday Andy! I hope you had a really nice day. Next SnB we'll have to swap birthday stories since mine was just the day before yours.
Thanks also for the nice comments. :-)
See you in a couple of weeks!
Hi Andy,
Bonne fête + geficiliteered (sp?) to you & your man! I've read your blog since i moved to Amsterdam from Montréal in September, and took up knitting while i waited for my work visa (have yet to get the nerve up to come to the Monday night meet). People must tell you this all the time but I really love your blog! I love the fact that you're from Texas, that you lived in NYC, that you (were) an art therapist (like me), that you are thoughtful, funny & at times sarcastic, and that you are willing to share your impressions with others! Maybe see you around town one of these days. Grosses bises d'une fan! Néomée
Happy Birthday to my first, real love. Everyone should have one of those in their lives, too. Here's to sharing even more fun, laughs and love in the coming years.
Happy Birthday Andy! I really enjoy your blog. I'm not sure if I've commented before - I live in Enkhuizen (up north) but am originally from Arkansas. I lived in London for many, many years before moving to NL. Unfortunately, I haven't integrated nearly as well as you have but I'm still very happy here!
Have a great year! Wish I could have made the 43rd comment for you but at least this one gets you to the half-way point.
happy birthday i love you! see you at Thanksgiving!
How can you be 43 if I'm still in my twenties? The math doesn't add up.
Happy Belated Birthday Andrew
Andy-I was not near a computer on your birthday, but I am today and I am catching up on your blog. I LOVE reading your stuff. It always makes me want to write more myself. And so, I am posting the 26th comment:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the BEST brother in the WORLD!!
Happy birthday! Time does pass quicky if you're not paying attention. We should all try to "occupy space" as much as possible
All the best
Happy belated birthday! Heard about your blog via Ravelry and now just doing my bit to get you up to 43 posts. Hope you had a lovely day!
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