And the key stays in the lock as you ride it. It's supposed to be impossible to take the key out (it's not like you need the key anyway) but mine came out the other day when the lock was open. Of course it was me on auto-pilot pulling at it, but it seems like that shouldn't happen. Oh well.
A few months ago, my key broke off in the lock. Thankfully, it was open so I could ride it to the repair shop. I thought I was going to have to buy a whole new lock, but the guy fished out the broken part and told me to take both pieces to the locksmith and have a new key made. Amazingly, the locksmith did it and now I have a new key. (But perhaps that's why this key isn't as snug as the other.)
This city is such a bike-centered place, and I am so dependent on my bike. I'd be lost if I had to take public transportation everywhere. My whole schedule would be thrown off and ruled by the schedules of the trams.
And the idea of a car? Don't get me started. That would be such an albatross around my neck.
I know what you mean about cars here - we have one and drive it once every couple of months. I use my bike for everything and that is with three kids in tow (literally with a bakfiets). I am SO pleased not to need to drive. I've never liked cars much.
I have to say that I am in love with my car, but I would be pleased as punch if I could bike everywhere, (and I know I really would!) Unforunately, California is neither bike friendly or even equipped with a good mass transit system. I can't even take the bus two cities over and I live 30 minutes from LA.
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