I've been working on these
American in China socks for a while, and I've been waiting to get some good pictures up. These aren't them. They're good pictures to illustrate what I want to illustrate, but they're not actual "foot in sock" photos, which I think will show them to their best advantage. That said, here they are.

When I first unfurled the yarn - which I got in a trade - the two skeins looked exactly alike. They're not. The second sock (the one on the left) has a lot more gold and white specks in it. It's not disturbing in itself, but it's not the same as the first sock. I prefer the first sock, but as they are a pair, I will wear them together.

This is the leg of the first sock. How beautiful is that? Totally. It's a K3 P1 ribbing, which I wasn't thrilled with at first, but which sort of flew off the needles.

The second sock is nice enough, but doesn't quite stand up next to it's more beautiful first born twin.

The feet are also different - obviously. But they're really beautiful. I'm crazy about this linen stitch. Sort of a pain, but the results are worth it. Once you get into the rhythm of it, it makes sense. I'm didn't even look at the pattern after a while as it just confused me.

And here's a comparison of the top of the foot. First sock...

... and second sock. Very different. You wouldn't expect that to happen, would you? Can't complain too much about free sock yarn, especially when it is really good yarn that's a pleasure to knit with. This is
Interlacements Tiny Toes, for anyone interested. Sort of a ridiculous name since my toes are anything but tiny. It's hand dyed by Judy L. Ditmore. There was enough yarn to knit me a pair of socks. That doesn't happen that often, so I was happy.
Knitting these inspired me to start another pair in some Regia that some friends gave me. I wasn't impressed with the colorway at first, but it looks really good in this linen stitch.

I'm going to make little ankle socks to wear with shorts in Cambodia. Maybe not the best idea to wear little wool socks in extreme heat, but I'm going to give it a try. Plus, it'll make them a quick project, so I can get on to other projects. For anyone who cares, I'm knitting them individually just past the toe and then I'm going to move them to the same needles and do them on two circulars at the same time. This knitting one sock at a time is for the birds.
OMG I LOVE the colorway of the second pair your starting. At first I thought you were doing some folk socks with colorwork! :D
The first pair is amazing & with variated yarns you can never tell what they are really going to do. It's always a surprise & you got quite a lovely one :D
I wear wool socks even in the summer in Boston (hot and humid, although not Florida-in-summer hot and humid). They do a much better job of keeping moisture away from my feet and preventing blisters and sore spots.
Ankle-length is nice, though.
You know, I often don't like varigated yarns like that because I find the striping and colour pools a bit... 'not me', but you're right- they look gorgeous in linen stitch! I'll have to try that!
- Julie
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