We've also decided to score the movies. Thumbs up - thumbs down is a problem for me for a lot of reasons. And I hate the neutral option. So we've gone with two down (↓↓), one down (↓), one up (↑) , two up (↑↑). It works for us.
Here's what we've seen - and the scores - so far:
1. Eastern Promises - F↑↑ A ↑
2. Gone Baby Gone - F ↑ A↑
3. The Assassination of Jesse James... - F↑ A↑
4. Juno - F↑↑ A↑↑
5. Sweeney Todd - F↑ A↑↑
6. Before the Devil Knows Your Dead - F↑↑ A↑↑
7. There Will Be Blood - F↑ A↓
8. The Fall - F↑ A↑
9. Be Kind Rewind - F↓ A↓
10. Into the Wild - F↑↑ A↑
(Forgive the formatting. I've tried three times.)
We agree on most movies. And we like most movies. I thought There Will Be Blood was a little long and dreary. And Into the Wild was a nice movie, but knowing the guy dies at the end sort of put me on edge throughout the movie. Still, it was beautiful. I really wanted to like Be Kind Rewind. But it was just too much of those two doing the thing that they do.
Movies here are a strange thing. American movies don't all make it here - thank God. And there's a lot more international influence than in a lot of places in the states. The thing is that if some fabulous Japanese movie comes here, it's subtitled in Dutch and that's a lot of work. There's reading subtitles and there's reading subtitles in Dutch and the latter takes a lot more of my brain energy. And there aren't so many Dutch movies.
And as far as cost, it varies. We've spent as little as €6,50 and as much as €10,00 at the same theater. Our favorite right now seems to be Kritereon. But I like the atmosphere at The Movies. Cinecenter is totally reliable, and the Tuschinski is always a pleasure, except for the other people attending the movie. (I'm trying to formulate a rant so that it makes sense and I don't sound like an absolute nut case.)
I'm glad we're doing this. It gets us out of the house on a Saturday night. I'd be knitting with a DVD in the machine every Saturday if I weren't forced out of the house by Fred. And last Saturday we even stopped and had a beer before heading home. It was a wild night.
David & I generally do the stay home and watch videos option, mostly because it's a hell of a lot cheaper.
I think I'm about the only person in the world who didn't like Into the Wild. I just found it hard to feel much sympathy for a mopey, economically-privileged white kid who died through his own stupidity and impulsiveness.
Julie insisted we watch There Will Be Blood this weekend. She loved it, and was convinced we would, too. I wasn't too turned on, but I have to give Daniel Day his props- he can play one impressive crazy guy. Tomorrow is Sex and the City...!
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