Fred and I saw these trees the other day and I went back last evening to take a picture. They're
Goudenregen (golden rain) trees and they always surprise me when they come into bloom. They're very
wisteria like, but I'm pretty sure these are trees, not vines.
I'd never seen them before moving here. They're one of the
many things that are new to me since moving here five years ago. They're probably plentiful in certain parts of the US, but my life was limited to North Texas and New York City. Different foliage there.

It's really difficult to get a picture of the trees that doesn't look blurry. (Or maybe the picture
is blurry.) There are so many things that are amazing to look at that I can't get a picture of. The light was really nice, not glaring, and there was a stiff breeze. This was right across from a canal not far from us.

It's a pity these blossoms don't stay around for longer. Last year I didn't really start to notice them until the flowers were almost faded. I'm glad that when these go away other flowering trees probably start to bloom.
Also, I'm ready for summer to really be here. I'm over the spring jacket look. Let's move into the summer wardrobe.
Gouden regen is laburnum, whereas blauwe regen is wisteria. They look very similar, I'm sure they're related. The laburnum seeds are poisonous; there's a very good Daphne du Maurier novel about laburnum seeds (My cousin Rachel). You see both gouden and blauwe regen a lot over here too, I love this time of year, there are so many colours right now.
wow, those trees are gorgeous! I can only imagine what it would be like to live (or work) and constantly pass through a door flanked by such lavish blooms!! Ah, spring.
- Julie
I just have made photos of these trees... I will wait a while before posting in my blog. Indeed they look blurry on pics, always !
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