Ginni from our knitting group got us to commit to twenty squares. I knit four green squares. After four, I realized that I hate kitting little squares. I kept trying to think of a way to make a lot of them without having to cast on and off. If I could have knit a scarf that was like three feet long and then steek it, I could have doubled my output - at least. But casting on, knitting a bit and then casting off those silly things? No thanks! I'm sure there were no rules for that. They would have taken steeked squares, but I didn't think of it until I was sick of the project. If I would have had a serious challenge, I would also have done a lot of them. I had no takers. When Ginni brought it up, people were like, "Yeah...I'll do one."

This action didn't get any press here. I didn't see anything. It's sort of a nice idea, but I kept wondering what they were going to do with the quilt after the action was over. Seems like you could take it apart and make blankets for homeless people out of it. Or baby blankets or something. It almost seems like a waste. Do something with it.
My enthusiasm for this project is questionable. Am I hiding that at all?
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